👥 Architects: Fitnat Cimşit Koş, İpek Aslı Ark, Serkan Gürkan, Zehra Delerel
🔳 Location: Tarsus, Mersin
💻 @ipekarkk,@serkan.gurkan__

Tarsus Waterfall is a waterfall on the Berdan Stream (Kydnos) in the north of Tarsus county of Mersin. It was formed by the pouring of Berdan Stream from a height of 4-5 m. Since the area where the waterfall is located geologically has a conalemera structure, the rocks here are easily carved. The area where the waterfall is located was used as a cemetery during the Roman period. These tombs emerged during the occasionally descending waters of the river and most of them were destroyed. There is a hotel facility around the present site and an old tourist facility located around the waterfall.

“A Ground Suggestion Where Nature Is Not A Part Of The Concept-Context-Program Relationship” It is one of the most important principles to use green areas, which are considered as the main founding effect, not as a complementary element of spatial decisions in the project, as a binding and a guide to the themes rather than separating them.

In this context, the Gezi Band, which is continuously resolved in the project area, and the fragmented mini-program elements integrated into the Nature Ground, formed by its fringe, are lost in the fictional Urban Forest instead of being separated by green areas. With the eaves that will help the need for shade in the summer season and the Eco-Galleries formed along the eaves, a continuous green space is provided to the people, while at the same time, sections of the physical environment that can be a part of the ecosystem have been created. Large canopy deciduous trees provide natural shade, especially in Eco-Galleries.
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